Using an HTTP API

In this chapter we'll cover the basics of making an HTTP request to an API.

For this example, we don't need any wiring, as we will use the REPL interactive console to display the data from the API.


New ThingsSDK Project

The first step is start a new Things project. Plug your device into your desired USB port. Then in your terminal run:

$ thingssdk new HTTP_API

You should see this in your console:

thingssdk new HTTP_API
? Select a port: (Use arrow keys)
? Select a port: # This will show your port
? Select the baud rate: (Use arrow keys)
? Select the baud rate: 115200
To install the project dependencies:
    cd HTTP_API && npm install
To upload to your device:
    cd HTTP_API && npm run deploy
Project successfully created

Follow the prompts to get our dependencies installed:

$ cd HTTP_API && npm install

When everything is installed, $ npm run dev sends the code to your device and runs it. I like to perform a quick sanity check with the default hello world code just to make sure everything is correctly connected.

$ npm run dev

The Code

Connect to WIFI

There is an entire chapter of this guide dedicated to how to connect to a WIFI network.

Here's some boilerplate code:

// main.js

const wifi = require('Wifi')

// wifi.connect(ssid, options object, callback)
wifi.connect(WIFI_NAME, { password: WIFI_PASSWORD }, error => {
  if (error){
      console.log(`Connected to: ${ wifi.getIP().ip }`)
      //you are connected to WIFI!

Make a GET Request

Making a request is really easy: here we will use the Yahoo Weather APIs to get the current condition in Dallas, TX. (I'm using one of the examples in the Yahoo APIs Documentation:

const url="";

require("http").get(url, function(res) {
    let c = "";
    res.on('data', function(data) {
      c += data;
    res.on('close', function(data) {
      let content=JSON.parse(c)
      console.log("The weather in Dallas is... ";

As you can see, we are using the http module to make our request. The get function requires 2 params: the URL and a function to handle the response.

Handle the response

The response object can emit 2 events: data and close.

The data event is called when a chunk of information is sent from the server to the client. If the response is small, it could be all inside a single chunk, but don't rely on it. The best way is to concatenate the chunk inside a String variable (here c)

The close event is called when there are no more chunks left: know it's save to read the full response (stored in the c variable in this example).

Make a POST/PUT/DELETE Requests

For other methods different than GET, we can use the request method.

let options={
    host: '',     // change this
    port: 80,                // (optional) port, defaults to 80
    path: '/example_path',    // path sent to server
    method: 'POST',           // HTTP command sent to server (must be uppercase 'GET', 'POST', etc)
    headers: { key : value, key : value } // (optional) HTTP headers

let data=JSON.stringify({
    a:5 //data to send in POST request

require("http").request(options, function(res) {
    let c = "";
    res.on('data', function(data) {
      c += data;
    res.on('close', function(data) {
      let content=JSON.parse(c)
      console.log("The server responded:", content)

As you can see, the request method is pretty similar to get method, except you use a options object inside of the string url as first paramether and then you add a .end(data) to start the request with the POST/PUT/PATCH data to send to the server.

N.B.: You can also call a GET URL with request, just use method:"GET" and .end({}).


Unfortunately as today (13 April 2017), the HTTPS is supported only on Espruino Pico and WiFi.

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    No results matching ""